Çerez Örnek

Academic staff

Prof. Dr. Şebnem Toplu (Department Chair)
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 19 76
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: sebnemtoplu@hotmail.com


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Züleyha Çetiner Öktem (Vice Chair)
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 50 52
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: zcoktem@gmail.com


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda Civelekoğlu (Vice Chair)
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 50 88
Fax: 0232 388 1102
E-Mail: fundacivelekoglu@yahoo.com


Prof. Dr. Dilek Direnç
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 19 77
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: dilekdirenc@gmail.com


Prof. Dr. Rezzan Kocaöner Silkü 
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 19 75
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: rezzan.silku@ege.edu.tr


Prof. Dr. Nevin Yıldırım Koyuncu 
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 22 59
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: nevin2.koyuncu@gmail.com


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aylin Atilla Mat
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 50 74
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: atillaaylin@yahoo.co.uk


Asst. Prof. Dr. Önder Çetin
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 50 86
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: cetinonder@gmail.com


Lecturer Gülden Hatipoğlu, PhD
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 13 49
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: guldenhatipoglu@yahoo.co.uk


Lecturer Sena Şahini, PhD
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 50 83
Fax: 0232 388 11 02
E-Mail: senasahini@yahoo.com


Res. Asst. Begüm Tuğlu Atamer, PhD
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 5054
Fax: 0232 388 1102
E-Mail: tuglubegum@gmail.com


Res. Asst. Ramazan Saral, PhD
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 1999
Fax: 0232 388 1102
E-Mail: ramosaral@gmail.com


Res. Asst. Selin Yılmaz, PhD
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Fax: 0232 388 1102
E-Mail: selinyilmaz.egeide@gmail.com



Res. Asst. Ali Can, PhD
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 1999
Fax: 0232 388 1102
E-Mail: alican.91@hotmail.com


Res. Asst. Burcu Karadaş, M. A.
Ege University Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
35100 Bornova, Izmir- Turkey

Phone: 0232 311 3086
Fax: 0232 388 1102
E-Mail: burcukaradas10@gmail.com

Ege Üniversitesi