Article Submission & Evaluation Procedure
Articles and reviews should follow MLA parenthetical citation format and the journal’s paper submission template. All articles are assigned manuscript numbers within 48 hours of submission once they are approved by the editor who checks if the articles follow the journal’s guidelines. All articles are listed after the annual deadline (September 15) and sent to double blind evaluation within two weeks (October 1). The evaluation process of the reviewers is six weeks (November 15). Accepted articles are sent back to the authors for necessary corrections. The authors then have two weeks to work on their manuscripts according to reviewers’ suggestions (December 1) and submit their revised articles along with a short bio (max. 100 words) an abstract (max. 150 words) and 8 keywords. If one of the reviewers rejects the article, the author is advised to work on the article and send it once again to be evaluated for the next issue during the forthcoming year. Articles accepted by both reviewers are to be published in the current volume of the journal.
The chief editors are responsible for overseeing and supervising the editorial work.
The editor initially checks the manuscript to see if it meets the journal’s scope and standards. The role of the editor is to make decisions related to publication and accountability, along with ensuring the confidentiality of all parties including the editorial office, reviewers and authors. Furthermore, the editor works on improving journal quality by submitting the journal to international academic indexes. The editor and the editorial office are never to disclose any information regarding a submitted manuscript to anyone else but the corresponding author and potential reviewers. The reviewers’ and the authors’ personal information will remain anonymous throughout the evaluation process. The editor and the editorial office will monitor the publication ethics of the journal in each stage of publication and further read and evaluate the journal for plagiarism.
The advisory board includes international scholars from all fields of English Studies. The role of the reviewers is to ensure the quality of the journal by providing objective, scholarly, detailed and prompt evaluations of the submitted articles according to the “Reviewer’s Guide”. All manuscripts are to be evaluated in confidentiality and never shared with others during evaluation. The authors are responsible of providing original content without any plagiarism which meets the standards of international academic research. All sources used in the manuscripts should be cited properly. All those who have contributed to the manuscript should be listed as co-authors.
All authors are to state any conflicts of interest. It is the author’s responsibility to notify the editorial office if the author discovers any significant mistake in their published work in order to correct or retract the manuscript. In order to ensure blind evaluation, the authors should not include personal information in their manuscripts. The authors are to revise their manuscripts according to reviewers’ evaluations. The authors are to send the revised version of their manuscript to the editorial office by stating all the changes they have done.
The authors cannot submit the same article published in another language.
All articles will be scanned for plagiarism via Ithenticate. If any other instances of plagiarism are found during any of the stages of publication (reviewer evaluation, editorial reading and typesetting) the article will be rejected and the author will be notified immediately. Citation manipulated articles, or in other words, articles that are submitted to increase the citation number of a specific author will be rejected directly.
Double Blind Peer Review
All articles are sent for double-blind peer evaluation to national and international scholars from all fields of English studies. Articles are sent to reviewers according to their specific fields of study. If one of the reviewers finds that the article does not hold up to the ethical standards of the journal, does not contribute to the field of study or the article is insufficient to the published, the article is sent back to the author in rejection. Reviewers' suggestions are sent to the author in due time to make necessary corrections before the article is ready to be published. Once necessary corrections are carried out, the article is enlisted to be published in the current volume of the journal.
The Accepted articles are sent back to the authors for necessary corrections. The authors then have two weeks to work on their manuscripts according to reviewers’ suggestions (December 1) and submit their revised articles along with a short bio (max. 100 words) an abstract (max. 150 words) and 6-8 keywords.
If one of the reviewers rejects the article, the author is advised to work on the article and send it once again to be evaluated for the next issue during the forthcoming year. Articles accepted by both reviewers are to be published in the current volume of the journal.
Research Ethics
The journal requires the highest standards regarding integrity, quality, and transparency during all stages of research and publication. All authors are to conduct independent research and disclose any conflict of interest where necessary. All authors are to state all involved parties regarding the research, including approval from institutions or organizations where necessary. The journal ensured the confidentiality of all authors and reviewers prior to and during publication.
Call For Papers, Procedure and Stylesheet